I am finding it hard to look ALL THE WAY back to 2019 from today’s vantage point. 2020 has just seemed to overwhelm everything with endless monkey wrenches and curve balls. But 2019 was an important year for Youth Unlimited in Edmonton. We had some struggles as well, but overall I would have to sum up the year with a word like “strengthening”.
We walked into January 2019 with only 6 staff members around the board table for staff meeting. I recall one person sharing with me later that it was the lowest they had felt in their time at YUE. But then along came people God brought to us ready to help carry out our mission. The kind of people who could really help us “share Jesus to see lives transformed”. In 2019, we ended the year with 10 staff people, and growing numbers of volunteers at each of our drop-ins.
Yes, there were other great outcomes for 2019 like 6,489 meals served to vulnerable youth. Or over 1200 youth that we were privileged to connect with during the year. OR even the 446 youth who heard that they are loved and valued by God. All part of the mission, for sure.
But the greatest outcome for me in 2019 was seeing our team grow - in numbers and in unity. This is so important to what we do. Jesus said that if we can’t love each other we won’t be very good at loving others. Learning this may be the greatest thing that happened in 2019.
This also reminds us of the on-going love we feel from you, our partners. Thank you so much for the continued support, encouragement and love. Everyone from our great volunteers and board, to the hard-working business owners, house wives and students who give so generously of time and resources to vulnerable youth in our city.
Without you, we would never be able to witness so many great changes in the lives of the youth we serve. Changes in attitudes, behaviours, life-choices, changes in self-esteem, growing interests in God and positive relationships. Changes from negatives to positives - anxiety and fear to hope and potential.
Thank you for making all this happen in 2019. With you we can accomplish great things.
Be safe and well;
Gary Higgs
Executive Director