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A Message from Gabe Piska

Over the past few years, God has challenged me with the story of Matthew 25:14-30. This parable speaks of a man who leaves his three servants with bags of gold and entrusts them to take care of them while he is away. After coming back he asks the three servants what they have done with the gold. The first two servants used the money they were given and made more money for their master. Meanwhile, the third servant was afraid and buried the gold until his master came back. The master says to the first two servants “Well done, good and faithful servant, you have done well with what I have given you.” The challenge that God has put on my heart has been the question of if I have done well with what I have been given? Have I been a “good and faithful servant?” Am I constantly working for the good of the Father?

Through this challenge, God has given me a fantastic opportunity to work with at-risk youth in

Edmonton. Youth Unlimited is an incredible organization that provides youth an opportunity to find healthy connections with peers and significant adult relationships, in order to feel the love of Christ in a tangible way. It gives them a place to belong and ask questions without judgement.

I was drawn to Youth Unlimited because I know how deeply youth are looking for people. Everyone is trying to find a community, especially coming out of the social isolation of the past few years, community has never been more needed. Youth are craving it even more than we think. I truly believe God has called me to help students find that community. To find people around them that care for them deeply. That care about their good weeks, and their bad weeks. To hear the random thoughts that come out of their brains. To give them a safe space to be themselves, and figure out who that is. To hear their struggles. That is what it means to create a safe space, and what we at Youth Unlimited are here to do. If we can give youth a community that surrounds and supports them, I can't wait to see the kind of impact they can make!

As I step into a new position your support would mean so much to me. The first and most significant way you can support me is through prayer. Without prayer and the help of the Father, so much of what we do would not be possible. Prayer is truly what allows this ministry to run.

Secondly, your financial support would be greatly appreciated. Youth Unlimited is a non-profit

organization and so the vast majority of our funding comes from the donations of people like yourself.

If that is something that you would like to talk about let me know and we can have a conversation about what it might look like.

Thank you for taking the time to think about and pray about the youth in Edmonton and how we as the Church can show them the love of Christ.


Gabe Piska

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